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close General Information about the field View type
The field View type has the type Listed value : Viewtype
There is 4 possible values

closeDocumentation about Viewtype

Les objets, et principalement les cartes postales ont deux côtés
- un côté principal (généralement côté vue). Pour un objet on ne peut définir qu'une seule vue principale
- le côté  opposé au côté principale (généralement côté adresse)

Mais on peut également utiliser 
- autre vue quand il s'agit par exemple d'une carte systeme ou qu'il s'agit d'une variante de la carte
- détail. Lorsque l'on fait un zoom sur un détail de la carte

closeDocumentation about View type

Pour un objet donné il ne doit exister qu'une seule image principale. Il peut exister autant d'images secondaires que l'on souhaite

closeDocumentation about Picture

An image is usually the scan side view of a postcard but it may be a scan of any other type of document or a current photo. Some objects have a clean image like the ones listed below.

- address side of a card
- scan of an envelope or notebook
- modern photo
- photo card
- detail of a map
- poster
- stamp or postal sticker

Other objects may be associated with an image. For example, an encyclopedia term does not have its own image but can be linked to an image.


Some images are not accessible for copyright reasons. Indeed it is necessary to wait 70 years after the death of the author for the image to be free of rights.
Some images that are not from the internet and are scans made by members are only accessible to members

Finally you have to scan at 150 dpi (or dots per inch) to load a scan as well as the image size is too large for the website.
You can scan at higher resolution but it will be necessary to reduce the weight of the image to load it on the site (either by reducing the size, or by reducing the quality.

It is not necessary to load the back of a card but it is useful to load one for a series or a particular set (to identify the series or date the card)

www.cartophilie.be Sponsored by
Thank you to Francisco B.urzi who inspires me initially this website. The code has been 90% rewritten
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