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Poscards and other pictures galleryGalleryPostcards, séries, printers, publishers, désignersPostcardsTopics of old postcardsLinked topicsCities, provinces, countries, localized pointsPlacesCollector CommunityCollector CommunityPapers and books about old postcardsPapers and books about postcardsParticipateParticipateMore...More...

close General Information about the field Functional domain
The field Functional domain has the type Information domain

Basic Documentation Information object: Information domain

An information domain gathers a group of objects which constitute a set of objects having logical interactions between them. The two main areas of the site are postcards and geographic objects, but there are others.

closeGeneral Information on the object Information domain

Icon symbolizing the object : Information domain Information domain
There is(are) currently 16 Domains on www.cartophilie.be
Cannot load scans for the object directly Information domain

closeAuthorisation Information on the object Information domain

Allowed operations for the object Information domain
Record printing Information domain Record printing Information domain possible for Site member
List new items Information domain List new items Information domain possible for Site member
List printing Information domain List printing Information domain possible for Site member

closeLink Information on Information domain
closeDocumentation about Information domain

An information domain gathers a group of objects which constitute a set of objects having logical interactions between them. The two main areas of the site are postcards and geographic objects, but there are others.

closeDocumentation about Information object

Information management on the site involves information objects. The main objects of information are postcards, series of cards, publishers, printers. Every object belongs to an information domain. For a user to be able to perform an action on an object, he must be authorized. He can see his authorization on his account

www.cartophilie.be Sponsored by
Thank you to Francisco B.urzi who inspires me initially this website. The code has been 90% rewritten
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