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Welcome to www.cartophilie.be

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Poscards and other pictures galleryGalleryPostcards, séries, printers, publishers, désignersPostcardsTopics of old postcardsLinked topicsCities, provinces, countries, localized pointsPlacesCollector CommunityCollector CommunityPapers and books about old postcardsPapers and books about postcardsParticipateParticipateMore...More...

close General Information about the field Event linked to the poster
The field Event linked to the poster has the type Event

Basic Documentation Information object: Event

Les événements repris dans la base de données sont ceux qui ont fait l'objet d'au moins une carte postale.

closeGeneral Information on the object Event

Icon symbolizing the object : Event Event
Event is dependent on the object PlacePlace
Event is accessible in the menu Events on postcards
There is(are) currently 445 Events on www.cartophilie.be
Cannot load scans for the object directly Event
Event can be located on a map, There is(are) currently 101 Cities/Villages/Places(City)

closeAuthorisation Information on the object Event

Allowed operations for the object Event
Change Event Change Event possible for Info owner
Copy Event Copy Event possible for Site member
List EventList Event possible for Anonymous visitor
Record printing Event Record printing Event possible for Site member
Add Event Add Event possible for Site member
Rate Event Rate Event possible for Site member
Search EventSearch Event possible for Anonymous visitor
Statistics Event Statistics Event possible for Site member
Display Event Display Event possible for Anonymous visitor
List new items Event List new items Event possible for Site member
List printing Event List printing Event possible for Site member

closeLink Information on Event
closeDocumentation about Event

Les événements repris dans la base de données sont ceux qui ont fait l'objet d'au moins une carte postale.

closeDocumentation about Poster

Les affiches ne sont pas le thème principale du site mais beaucoup de cartes postales reprennent en illustration une affiche existante.
De plus les événements planifiés possèdent également leur affiche.
L'existence d'une affiche permet également de cerner l'oeuvre des illustrateurs de cartes postales.
Il est donc intéressant de pouvoir lister les affiches qui concernent les événements, artistes ou publicités liés aux cartes postales

www.cartophilie.be Sponsored by
Thank you to Francisco B.urzi who inspires me initially this website. The code has been 90% rewritten
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